Wander within my own mind space and design senses, where you can find beauty in chaos, a derivative of the abstract and psychedelic. Observe as raw clay is molded with the natural elements of fire, water, and earth, where they continuously interact in a poetic manner.

Tè by margaret yap

Tè is taken from Haitian-Creole origins meaning ‘soil’. An alter ego to Margaret Yap’s chaotic and fluorescent prism, it is filled with ruminations of ancient ruins and hazy remnants of a colonial reign, as she uncovers a hidden sanctuary underneath it all. Exploring stoneware in a raw and rustic manner coupled with fleeting romantic ideologies, Tè evokes feelings of periodic nostalgia.   

Keramiknya adhy

Bright-coloured monochromes in classic forms.

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Pluit Karang Cantik IX, blok M3S no.16, Pluit, North Jakarta 14450

Wednesday - Sunday
10 am - 6pm

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